Our group is broadly interested in mathematical biology of the cell.

We are a team of interdisciplinary scientists that develop models and new mathematical tools to tease apart the "internal machinery" of a living cell. Our work combines:

  • mechanics-based mathematical modeling
  • numerical and computational methods
  • image-based analysis and inference
  • collaborations with experimentalists

  • Jan 31Check out our new combined experimental-theory paper on the diversity of collective cell migration modes.
    Jan 29Calina has joined the editorial board of PLoS Computational Biology.
    Nov 6Exciting new Biophysics PhD program @ Northeastern! Now accepting applications for Class of 2025. Questions? Get in touch with us.
    Oct 21Another award for the group -- Ying wins the College of Science Dean's Postdoctoral Travel Award. Congratulations!
    Oct 8-11Ying is away deciphering the effect of oral contraceptives on coagulation as part of a WAMB (Women Advancing Mathematical Biology) collaboration. 5 years later, and 2 publications later, Calina is still an active member of WAMB Class of 2019!
    Aug 14thNew paper discovers a system where inner cells are active contributors to group migration.
    July 8thNidhi starts her co-op project on intracellular architecture (partly funded by the Northeastern Co-ops to On-Ramp into Research Endeavors).
    July 3rdYing is awarded the AMS-Simons Travel Grant!!
    May 31stKatie graduates and will pursue a Ph.D. in Mathematics at UW Madison! Her paper is submitted for publication! Katie did a lot of great work to understand the molecular origin of collective symmetry breaking.
    May 6thShawn "graduates" from an intern to an REU in the group working alongside Sam on tissue regeneration.

    • NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences Grant DMS2209494 (2020 - 2023)